Whitefield Academy-Morris Hall

Whitefield Academy
Morris Hall

New Upper School



Whitefield Academy-Morris Hall - Front Exterior
Whitefield Academy-Morris Hall - Science Lab


Van Winkle constructed the new Morris Hall for Whitefield Academy. This three-story building houses the arts and sciences facilities for this premier private school’s upper grades. It stands on the same campus as the Whitefield Academy Tennis Complex, another Van Winkle project.

Whitefield Academy-Morris Hall - Conference Room


Exterior Finishes

The project’s exterior features a stone and wood-siding curtain wall over a structural steel frame. Floor to ceiling windows bring the outdoors into the campus.

Scope included sitework and landscaping. Morris Hall includes sidewalks and a quad for student activities. A grass fire lane incorporates into the lawn.

Arts and Sciences

Morris Hall houses laboratories, administrative offices, conference rooms, and storage. The facility also includes a black box theater, media center, and stepped lecture hall to support student success.

Whitefield Academy-Morris Hall - Black Box Theater